Ecological Consultancy Services
Ecological surveys
Research and conservation guidance
We have carried out specialist ecological consultancy research projects for clients including Woodland Trust Scotland.
We also offer guidance in habitat restoration and mountain woodland creation projects.
We are experienced in the identification and collection of montane shrubs including montane willows and rock whitebeam.
We can also collect cuttings of species such as montane willows, bearberry and aspen.
Seed collection and practical conservation
We are experienced in carrying out:
Vegetation mapping with NVC
Description, classification and mapping of vegetation using NVC communities.
Mountain Woodland Remnant Survey
A comprehensive survey of remnant mountain woodland species and guidance for their conservation.
Rapid Rainforest Assessment
Evaluation of habitat potential for Atlantic rainforest lichens and bryophytes; presence of indicator species; management issues and guidance.
Herbivore Impact Assessment
Evaluation of impacts of browsing and grazing on vegetation and management guidance.
Mammal Monitoring
Set-up & footage review
Assessment of habitat suitability and monitoring of mammal populations, including tracks and signs and trail camera monitoring.
Surveys of light pollution levels including SQM monitoring.
Darkness audits
Trail camera rental
Native tree seed collections
As FRM registered seed collectors, we are happy to arrange the registration and collection of native tree seeds and cuttings.
So far we are delighted to have worked with Forestry and Land Scotland and Elsoms Trees. Get in touch to request a collection for your tree nursery.
Montane seed collections
Tree planting
We have several years experience in tree-planting and woodland creation.
Catkin Ecology
Finding Scotland's missing habitat
+44 7918 024809
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